Announcement date: 18 December 2018
The following announcement contains information about the procurement procedure planned by a Beneficiary of this Programme, as a part of the implementation of the Project HUSRB/1601/11/0001.
- Project ID: HUSRB/1601/11/0001
- Project Title: The complex water management development of the area of the Baja-Bezdan Canal
- Beneficiary responsible for the Tender: Lower Danube Valley Water Directorate (ADUVIZIG), H-6500 Baja, Széchenyi I. Str. 2/c. Hungary
- Subject of the Tender: Supply of the following water work construction machinery for the Lower Danube Valley Water Directorate (ADUVIZIG), Hungary:
- mobile excavator (with knuckle boom), 1pc
- telescopic loader, 1pc
- Type of procedure: International open
- Link to the tender dossier:; and
- Contact e-mail: [email protected]
- Deadline for submission of tenders: 7 January 2019, 14:00 Central European time